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W/B 23rd March


First challenge of the week! Can you spot which letter of the alphabet is missing from your sound sheet in your pack? Use the spare card to make this letter. Here is a clue, 'Down the tower, across the tower'



Can you use the following letters in your pack to make some 2 and 3 letter words? 

s a t n p i  



Use the following website and read the book 'Zac the Rat'.  Aim to read this 3 times this week so that you get more confident each time. 



Each day, choose a picture from the top page in your pack and either write a word, or if you can, write a sentence about it. For example 'The pig is pink'.  Don't forget to use your 'Fred fingers' (you can tell your mummy and daddy what 'Fred fingers' are). 



Cut out your number cards and use them each day to place in order from 1 -20.


What can you count around your house?  For example, how many chairs can you find? Have you got any stairs you can count? How many teddies? How many pieces in a jigsaw puzzle.  Choose one thing each day to count.  Can you find the matching number from your pack? 


At school we use the White Rose scheme of work. They have been busy making some home learning activities together based on a story.    Here is a link to the activities that they have made for this week.


The activities are based on the story 'We are going on an egg hunt'.  Here is a link to it being read on YouTube.




Can you help by making your bed everyday?

Can you put the washed socks into pairs? 

Spend some time looking out the window - how many different birds can you spot.  Can you draw one?





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