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W/B 20th April

Welcome back Everyone!


We hope you had a restful break, even if it wasn't quite what you had planned for Easter!

While the school remains shut, we will continue to set work via this website and the Tapestry app.


Please see the Tapestry app for some more posts about White Rose Maths and the Daily Phonics lessons delivered by Read Write Inc.


We look forward to seeing your work on Tapestry.




Mrs Cobourne and Mrs Fayers






Each day you could continue to play speed sounds with your letter sounds. To do this you need to show them to the children 1 at a time like flash cards.

Please use these letters below to set yourself a challenge, each day, from the following;

k u b f e    

  • Play the word machine game (from the link below), focusing on the ‘u’ sound. The game also revises a variety of sounds. If you would like to sound them out entirely alone, you may need to turn the sound down.


  • Make 2 lists of 3 letter words with u in the middle and ones with e in the middle. Which is your longest list?


get                                 cup

bed                                 bun


  • Either use the ‘I Spy’ picture or look around your house to find as many things as you can beginning with the letter b. How many did you find? Are some of them 3 letter words? Make the 3 letter words with the sound cards.


  • Have a go at using the Skywriter program today, to practise writing the letter f. Remember it’s ‘down the stem and draw the leaves’.

         This program is useful for helping you to write any of your letters.          

          Perhaps you could practise some of the other letters from this  



  • Have a go at using the sound cards from this week to make some pseudo words. These are words that are not real (our ‘that’s ridiculous’ words). For example ‘ bef’. How many can you make? Remember to sound them out and blend them to say the words.




Please read the story ‘The Big Hit’ from the link below. Aim to read this 3 times this week so that you get more confident each time.





Choose a toy that you would like to write about and write a sentence about it. You could choose 1 toy to write a different sentence about it each day, or you could choose a different toy each day to write about.

For example     - The fox is soft.


Each day you could continue to play speed sounds with your letter sounds. To do this you need to show them to the children 1 at a time like flash cards.

Please use these letters below to set yourself a challenge, each day, from the following;

k u b f e    

  • Play the word machine game (from the link below), focusing on the ‘u’ sound. The game also revises a variety of sounds. If you would like to sound them out entirely alone, you may need to turn the sound down.


  • Make 2 lists of 3 letter words with u in the middle and ones with e in the middle. Which is your longest list?


get                                 cup

bed                                 bun


  • Either use the ‘I Spy’ picture or look around your house to find as many things as you can beginning with the letter b. How many did you find? Are some of them 3 letter words? Make the 3 letter words with the sound cards.


  • Have a go at using the Skywriter program today, to practise writing the letter f. Remember it’s ‘down the stem and draw the leaves’.

         This program is useful for helping you to write any of your letters.          

          Perhaps you could practise some of the other letters from this  



  • Have a go at using the sound cards from this week to make some pseudo words. These are words that are not real (our ‘that’s ridiculous’ words). For example ‘ bef’. How many can you make? Remember to sound them out and blend them to say the words.




Please read the story ‘The Big Hit’ from the link below. Aim to read this 3 times this week so that you get more confident each time.





Choose a toy that you would like to write about and write a sentence about it. You could choose 1 toy to write a different sentence about it each day, or you could choose a different toy each day to write about.

For example     - The fox is soft.



We look forward to reading your sentences.



Each day it would be useful to continue to practise ordering the numbers


Use your number sheet from the activity pack to practise writing a number each day (numbers 5-9 ). Look carefully at the direction that the number is going when writing it. The green arrow on the first of each number will show you which way to go.

Each day using this number of the day, choose an activity from the ones below.

  • Using objects that are in 2 colours, e.g red lego bricks and green ones or white socks and blue socks, show many different ways of making your number. Check by counting them all at the end, or by putting one number in your head and counting on. If for example your number is 7 and you have a group of 4 red lego bricks and a group of 3 green ones. You can check by putting 4 in your head first and counting on -   5 6 7 .


  • Go out into your garden and see if you can find something showing your number. It could be a plant with 8 leaves (if your number is 8) for instance, or 6 garden chairs (if your number is 6). Estimate how many there are first, then check to see if it is the same as your number.


  • How many ways can you make your number using the 10 frame activity below? Remember to say your number sentence once you have made it. For example, if your number is 8 and you have placed 5 red counters and 3 green ones in the frame. You can say 5 add 3 equals 8.


  • Sing a couple of number songs starting on your number, for example if your number is 9 you could sing ‘9 green bottles’ and ‘9 currant buns’.


  • Order your numbers from 0 – 20. Find out 1 more and 1 less than your number. You can use the number line that you’ve just created to help you. Can you find 1 more and 1 less than any of the other numbers from this week?


Other Activities

  • You could draw a picture of your garden and if you know the names of any of the plants, you could name them.


  • Have a look at the picture of a labelled plant. You could choose a plant in your garden, or take a picture of one if you go out for a walk. Draw the plant carefully and label it. Remember to include the stem, flower, leaf and roots.


  • If you have any seeds. You could plant a seed, look after it and watch it grow over the coming weeks. Beans and sunflowers always work well, as do I’m sure many other plants. If you want to observe a plant growing quickly, then cress seeds work well for this. It can be fun to first draw a funny face on the side of a pot or paper or plastic cup, then plant the cress seeds in the cup (with either soil or cotton wool). Over the coming days you can watch the person’s hair grow as the seeds start to grow!  


  • You could use the bean lifecycle sheet to cut out and place the pictures in the correct order. Think carefully about the order of this life cycle. You could choose to draw your own life cycle of a plant without cutting it out. Have a look at this video of a plant life cycle.


Of course if you enjoyed Harold the Giraffe’s diary ideas from before the Easter break, or you haven’t yet had a look, you can continue to visit him at the link below to find out what he is doing this week.

Harold loves to keep a healthy lifestyle. He says that there are 5 things that will help him to keep happy and healthy. These things are;

  • Be Active
  • Get Creative
  • Mindful Moments
  • Connect with Others
  • Give to Others

Either using Harold’s diary ideas, or some ideas of your own. Can you think of ways that you can do all of these things this week? We look forward to finding out what you have been doing.



Can you fold your clothes? You may need an adult to show you first!

Can you do your zip on your coat or cardigan independently?

Can you pat your head and rub your tummy all at the same time? Have a look at my video to see how I got on with this challenge. Remember to pat your head very gently!

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Faringdon Learning Trust