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At Watchfield Primary School, we are committed to developing the whole child. We teach our children how to be responsible people, who can work well, both independently and cooperatively, to develop the knowledge and skills required to achieve their true academic potential.


By the end of a child’s Primary career, we strongly believe that each child should have had the opportunity to discover that one ‘thing’ that ignites their enthusiasm above all else, inspiring life-long interests and talents. We strive to achieve this by providing our children with a rich and wide range of memorable experiences and the most varied curriculum we can offer.


Our curriculum provides a wide variety of activities, which are largely topic based, to promote children’s learning and personal growth. It includes the formal requirements of the National Curriculum, alongside the range of extra-curricular activities organised to enrich our children’s experiences. It also includes the ‘hidden curriculum’: how children learn from the way they are treated and expected to behave.


It is also underpinned by our strong ethos based on care and respect. This is ‘The Watchfield Way’ in which everyone is valued and included; where equality, a sense of wonder at the world we live in and a curiosity for learning is fostered.  Our taught curriculum helps us achieve our whole-school vision:

‘At Watchfield We SOAR’


We aim to be ‘Successful, Original, Aspirational and Resilient’ in everything we do and every effort is made to create:


  • Successful learners who enjoy learning; make good progress and accomplish new things.
  • Original characters who show imagination, creativity and are reflective in their learning.
  • Aspirational individuals who strive to be the best they can be and achieve excellence.
  • Resilient citizens who understand the truly international world around them.


Our curriculum approach is found through our curriculum intent, SEND policy, equalities objectives and accessibility plan. 


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Faringdon Learning Trust