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School Development Plans

Every year, we use our school self- evaluation to help identify the priorities for school development during the coming year. These are organised into the 5 key areas of: Quality of Education, Behaviour and Attitudes, Personal Development, Leadership and Management and Early Years.


In 2023-2024, our priorities are:


Key Foundations/Principles

  1. Embrace a culture where relationships and nurture allow all pupils and staff to thrive and feel valued and cared for
  2. Provide a curriculum that is inspiring, progressive and knowledge rich.
  3. Offer high-quality teaching across the school to ensure that all pupils make good progress and the needs of all learners is catered for.



Overarching aims

Quality of Education

  • To raise standards in writing across all year groups 
  • To implement an effective spelling curriculum in KS2
  • To raise the standard of work and presentation across the school (handwriting, spelling and presentation)
  • To implement a progressive and inspiring curriculum for EAL, Science and DT to ensure good outcomes for all children
  • Vulnerable groups receive effective provision to ensure they reach their full potential

Behaviour and Attitudes

  • The whole school to engage in the Mulberry Bush Nurture Project
  • Implement a new relational behaviour policy so that it becomes ‘the Watchfield way’ with consistency and rigor

Personal development

  • Create further opportunities for wider curriculum development
  • Ensure pupil premium grants are used effectively to support vulnerable groups
  • Develop school wellbeing approach to support staff and pupils to flourish 


Leadership and Management

  • Leaders (SLT and ELT) to continue to develop and support an inclusive culture where adaptive and responsive teaching is evident across the school so outcomes improve for all children
  • Implementation of a coaching culture for all staff, with a focus on team teaching and open dialogue to support continuous development
  • Embed the new ELT structure so that staff feel supported and empowered


Effectiveness of the Early Years

  • Initiate the Wellcomm language tool throughout the EYFS (Pre-school and Rec)
  • Implement provision to support language development throughout EYFS
  • Provide continuous provision across both Reception Classes, utilising staff effectively to support vulnerable/high-needs pupils


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Faringdon Learning Trust