Children are required by law to receive education from the beginning of the school term after they reach the age of five. However, at Watchfield Primary School we admit children full time into the Foundation Stage Unit at the start of the academic year in which they turn five. This is their F1 year. Parents have the option for their children to stay part time for the first term if they so wish.
Admission Numbers
The Cambrian Learning Trust will work with the Local Education Authority (LEA) each year to provide an appropriate number of places for our catchment area and the capacity of our schools, identified as the Published Admission Number. The dates relating to each year’s admissions are available on the Oxfordshire County Council website. Parents are strongly advised to meet the timetable requirements detailed by OCC.
School Admission Procedure and School Place Appeals Procedure
Admissions are administered on our behalf by the LEA, according to the Oxfordshire County Council Policy. Further details of this process can be found by clicking on the link at the bottom of the page.
Please do contact us to let us know you are interested in a place and we will give you all the help we can with the application process.
Prospective parents are always welcome to make an appointment for a visit during the day, to see the school in action.
If you are unhappy with the school place that your child is offered, you can appeal through the Oxfordshire County Council's Admissions Appeals process. The link for this can also be found at the bottom of this page.
Admissions amendment to be applied from September 2021
In June 2021the DfE provided guidance around internationally adopted previously looked after children (IAPLAC), to be adopted and applied from September 2021. The Board of Trustees adopted this amendment in June 2021 for implementation. Please find the guidance below, to be read in conjunction with our Admissions policy.
After Year Six, children normally transfer to Faringdon Community College. Prior to this transfer, the children will have the opportunity to visit their new school and parents are invited to a meeting with the Headteacher and appropriate members of staff.
Arrangements for the Admission of Pupils with Disabilities
Watchfield School works closely with the Local Authority with regard to the admission of all pupils. Arrangements for the admission of pupils with disabilities begin before enrolment.