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Ofsted and Results

Watchfield Primary School was last inspected by Ofsted in October 2021.  We were very pleased and proud to retain our 'Good' status.  The full report can be read below, however, some highlights include:


'Pupils settle so quickly. This is down to leaders’ successes in integrating all pupils well into the Watchfield family. Pupils say they love making friends from all over the world and that these new friends teach them greetings in different languages. There is much happiness at Watchfield'.


'Each September, staff ensure there is time to help pupils learn to socialise and interact positively with each other. They teach pupils the common routines to help everyone know how to behave. Pupils learn about bullying and how to ask an adult for help. All of this contributes to pupils feeling safe and protected'.


'Despite the challenges of children coming from different international education systems, leaders make no excuses and are aspirational for all. They ensure that pupils learn well and aim high across the curriculum. Furthermore, leaders plan special enrichment opportunities to enable pupils to develop their character and talents'.

Ofsted School Inspection Reports

Outcomes of Statutory Tests

The government will not publish KS2 school level data for the 2021 to 2022 academic year. They have archived data from the 2018 to 2019 academic year because they recognize that the data from that year may no longer reflect current performance, 


Watchfield Primary School


Overview of Attainment and Progress 2017-19



(National Averages in Brackets)





Good Level of Development (GLD)

68% (71%)

67% (72%)

72% (72%)


Year 1 Phonics

67% (81%)

54% (83%)

44% (82%)

Year 2 Phonics




KS1 Results

Reading – Expected Standard and Above

49% (76%)

65% (75%)

66% (75%)

Reading – Above Expected Standard

16% (25%)

22% (26%)

19% (25%)

Writing – Expected Standard and Above

41% (68%)

61% (70%)

60% (69%)

Writing – Above Expected Standard

6% (16%)

16% (16%)

9% (15%)

Maths – Expected Standard and Above

57% (75%)

71% (76%)

66% (76%)

Maths – Above Expected Standard

6% (21%)

20% (22%)

15% (22%)

KS2 Results

Reading, Writing and Maths Combined – Expected Standard

63% (61%)

71% (64%)

72% (65%)

64.94% (63.49%) = 3 year average 2017-19

Reading, Writing and Maths Combined – Above Expected Standard

0% (9%)

13% (10%)

8% (11%)

6.49% (9.72%) = 3 year average 2017-19

Reading – Expected Standard and Above

71% (72%)

75% (75%)

80% (73%)

Reading – Above Expected Standard

21% (25%)

25% (28%)

8% (27%)

Reading Average Scaled Score

103.5 (104.1)

104.8 (105.0)

103.8 (104.4)

102.92 (104.54) = 3 year average 2017-19

Reading Progress Measures


-1.28 (0.03)

-0.07 (0.03)

Writing – Expected Standard and Above

79% (76%)

79% (78%)

80% (78%)

Writing – Above Expected Standard

13% (18%)

25% (20%)

12% (20%)

Writing Average Scaled Score




Writing Progress Measures


0.36 (0.03)

-1.58 (0.03)

Spag – Expected Standard and Above

71% (77%)

75% (78%)

64% (78%)

Spag – Above Expected Standard

25% (31%)

29% (34%)

28% (36%)

Spag Average Scaled Score

105.3 (106.0)

105.1 (106.2)

104.3 (106.3)

Maths – Expected Standard and Above

83% (75%)

75% (76%)

88% (79%)

Maths – Above Expected Standard

17% (23%)

25% (24%)

28% (27%)

Maths Average Scaled Score

104.9 (104.2)

104.4 (104.4)

104.6 (105.0)

104.03 (104.55) = 3 year average 2017-19

Maths Progress Measures


-1.14 (0.03)

0.15 (0.03)

Disadvantaged Pupils (Pupil Premium)

Progress Reading

-3.08 (0.33)

-1.28 (-0.59)

1.30 (-0.62)

Progress Writing

-1.54 (0.18)

-0.71 (-0.44)

1.03 (-0.50)

Progress Maths

-0.65 (0.29)

-0.28 (-0.58)

0.44 (-0.71)

Standardised Score Reading

98.3 (105.4)

102.2 (106.1)

104.0 (105.5)

Standardised Score Maths

101.1 (105.3)

102.8 (105.4)

102.5 (106.1)

Expected Standard and Above in Reading/Writing/Maths Combined

29% (67%)

33% (70%)

100% (71%)

Above Standard in Reading/Writing/Maths Combined

0% (11%)

17% (12%)

0% (13%)


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Faringdon Learning Trust