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At Watchfield, we are preparing our pupils for the world awaiting them when they are grown.  Technology is changing the lives of everyone; through teaching Computing, we equip our children to participate in a constantly evolving world.   We enable our children to become digital citizens who are confident, creative and independent, yet not afraid to take risks.


All children at our school have access to both discrete Computing lessons where techniques and skills are directly taught and to lessons where Computing skills are embedded across the wider curriculum.  We use the teaching of Computing to promote a love and appreciation for both creativity and technology; we aim to inspire the children to be curious about our changing world and to enrich their learning using digital mediums.


We strive to present children with the opportunity to use the web safely and wisely under adult guidance, but in a way which will equip them with the tools and strategies to enable them to browse more independently at home.  Watchfield children are given opportunities within the school year to become digitally literate and to use the web safely and wisely, becoming confident explorers of the online world.

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Faringdon Learning Trust