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Friends of Watchfield

Welcome to the Friends of Watchfield page.


Friends of Watchfield School (FOWS) are a group of parent and staff volunteers. Our aims are to:

  • raise funds to enrich the resources of the school;
  • support the school in the education of our children;
  • foster links between Watchfield School and the local community.


We always try to have fun whilst raising money!


Fundraising that has taken place over the last year has included:

Children’s discos

Cake sales

School CD

Christmas craft fair

Summer fair

Non-uniform days

Our annual fun run


Sounds great, so how do I join?

Don’t worry, all parents are automatically members of the association and any volunteers to help out are always welcome. We are always searching for new ideas and welcome all contributions. 

Please contact us via the school office at: and mark the subject as 'For the attention of the FOW'.


What are FOWS raising money for at the moment?

FoWS are raising money to provide additional resources to enhance school curriculum activities.

STIKINS - Fundraising Number 24579


A great way to raise money, and name your children's clothes and lunch boxes is to use Stikins! If you order these labels and use our fundraising number 24579, FoWS receives 30% commission!


So if your child keeps forgetting or losing their things order some of these labels!


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Faringdon Learning Trust