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At Watchfield, all children have access to an art and design curriculum which promotes a love and appreciation for both art and creativity. We strive to present children with a diverse range of artistic experiences using a range of different media, cultures, historical periods and other sources of inspiration. All children have the opportunity to build on skills and confidence, through completing projects on a range of scales, both individually and collectively.


Our Art Curriculum is carefully planned to compliment and support the children’s wider learning. Famous artists often provide the inspiration for children’s own work and skills and techniques are taught progressively throughout the year groups. Art lessons are safe spaces for children to take risks with their learning; children are given the freedom to make their own creative choices and be ambitious with their ideas.  Through these experiences, children are able to use the visual elements of art and design successfully in their own work, and are able to talk confidently about the work of others.


All artistic efforts are celebrated at Watchfield; our creative and colourful learning environments reflect this ethos. All children are given ample opportunities within the school year to take part in memorable and immersive activities, to provoke their imaginations further, offer exposure to unique experiences and ignite lifelong talents and interests.




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Faringdon Learning Trust