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Vision and Values

Mission Statement:


At Watchfield, our ethos is that everyone is cared for, respected, valued and included.  We are a local school with an international community; Watchfield welcomes everyone. Subsequently, we create a happy, caring, safe and stimulating learning environment, where all children are encouraged to thrive intellectually, physically, socially and emotionally.

We ensure that we:

  • Put children and their learning at the centre of everything we do
  • Provide a warm, welcoming and secure environment for all children
  • Carefully plan a broad, balanced and stimulating curriculum
  • Encourage, value and extend every child’s contribution to the school
  • Celebrate differences and recognise and praise success in everyone
  • Build strong collaborative partnerships with families and the local community
  • Encourage and enable the continuous professional development of all staff
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Faringdon Learning Trust