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Our School Vision

Our School Vision is 'At Watchfield We SOAR’.


At Watchfield we want everyone, children and adults, to ‘SOAR’.  This means we work hard to enable individuals, groups and the wider school community to be: Successful, Original, Aspirational and Resilient.


This vision is embedded into all of our policies and our day-to-day practice; as teachers – as learners.


To help us achieve our School’s vision we have identified six core values that also underpin our School’s ethos.  These are encapsulated in the statement below:


‘Watchfield Primary School: a place where happyconfident children show care and respect for others, believe in themselves and take pride in their achievements’.


Through striving to meet our vision, our aim is for Watchfield Primary School to be at the heart of an expanding community and widely recognised as a school that values uniqueness, where children are provided with the skills to enable them to become 

  • Successful Learners
  • Original Characters
  • Aspirational Individuals
  • Resilient Citizens.
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