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Pastoral Support

For those of you who do not already know me, my name is Mrs Sharon Talbot, I am the Pastoral Lead in school. I am here to support parents and families with the ups and downs of day-to-day life both inside and outside of school, I am able to signpost you to services or just be a sounding board. I am available for a chat in the mornings from MondayWednesday. There is no problem too big or too small, I will try to help, if I cannot help you myself, I will find those who can. On Friday mornings there is an opportunity to come into school and discuss with me any concerns you may have; support you may need or just a chance to offload. I will be available from 9.00am until 9:30am. There is no need to make an appointment, report to reception and ask to speak to me. I can’t promise to have all the answers, but I will endeavour to help wherever I can.


From time to time, all children need some form of emotional support, whether it be anxiety, anger, bereavement, friendships, emotional regulation, relaxation, calming, social skills, selfesteem, well-being to name but a few. As the children’s Pastoral Lead, I am available in school for children to talk to and most children know where to find me! I am also trained in ELSA, Drawing and Talking and Lego Support. In addition, I am also one of the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads in school.


How will you find me? I will be outside the reception classrooms on Monday and outside the snug (the old treehouse) door on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 3.00pm until 3.15pm.


I am available to take phone calls throughout the week and you can phone me on 01793 782623, which will take you through to the School Office and they can transfer the call to me. If I am not available, I will always get back to you as soon as I can. I can arrange to see you privately if you wish, or just stop to chat to me after school. If you have wellbeing concerns about your child and feel that they may benefit from pastoral support, please fill in the following form. All referrals will be looked at each half term and support offered on a need's basis.



We have a tiered approach to organising the Pastoral Support needed. When a child needs support, we offer a tiered approach that is personalised to the individual needs of the child and is regularly assessed based on the progress. Depending on the success of the intervention, it may either be withdrawn or extended. The tiers are as follows.


Tier 1 – In class support strategies offered with check ins from the class teaching team.


Tier 2 – Pastoral Group support intervention based on need with Mrs Jacobs (Pastoral Assistant) these sessions take place, Monday – Friday during the afternoon sessions.


Tier 3 – 1:1 sessions regularly to reinforce positive behaviours and strategies and work on individual needs alongside parental support.


Tier 4 – Referrals made with the appropriate agencies and Strengths and Needs form completed.


Furthermore, I am here to not only support pupils but families as well, please see below for some useful information surrounding any difficulties you may be experiencing at home. If you would like any further support, please feel free to contact me.

Services and Websites for support and resources:

Mental Health Support: 


External Websites.

Community Signposting:

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