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Wider Curriculum Activities and Resources

Science Activities To Do At Home

Crest Awards are managed by the British Science Association. They have produced packs containing experiments that can be done at home with varying levels of adult support. They cover all areas of the science curriculum from Year 1 to Year 6. There are two packs available, "Sta Challenges" (5-7 years) and "SuperStar Challenges" (7-11 years). Unfortunately, these packs are too large to upload to our website, so the link to where they can be found is below:


Geography Activities
Brain engaging fun games to test your knowledge for 6 year olds to adults. Learn the countries of the world, capital cities, flags, rivers, continents etc. You choose the area - the World, Europe, Africa, Asia etc.
Discover lots of fun facts about the natural world for ages 6-13. Option to subscribe to their magazine.

History Activities


Discover the best stories from England's past by visiting the English Heritage site. There are lots of videos, podcasts, quizzes and historical how-tos.


You can delve into your favourite period in history on BBC Bitesze or BBC History for Kids


Oxfordshire School Games At Home



At the moment it is tricky to run the School Games, but the Oxfordshire School Games at home - Sock Fest! has been launched to keep you all active at home.

Every 2 weeks you can visit this page and find a sock themed 'Physical Challenge' and a 'Cultural activity' based on the School Games values of: Teamwork, Passion, Self-belief, Determination, Respect, Honesty.


What other skills can you learn over the next few weeks?


  • Learn how to sew on a button.
  • Complete some task from the homework challenge sheets (homework challenges for the last two topics have been uploaded to the website, along with the homework challenge for the next topic, ‘Raging Rivers’)
  • Do some baking and weigh out the ingredients.
  • Do some weeding in your garden and plant something
  • Mend something
  • Plan and prepare a family meal
  • Make your bed and keep your room tidy
  • Make a den
  • Do a good deed
  • Complete a difficult jigsaw puzzle
  • Practice tying your shoe laces
  • Practice telling the time on an analogue clock
  • Learn a new skill and persevere if you can’t do it straight away
  • Write a diary
  • Be creative
  • Be kind
  • Don’t argue with your brother/sister!

Remaining Active While Ensuring Safe Social Distancing

Guidelines from the Department of Health and Human Services say that children and adolescents age 6 and older need at least an hour a day of physical activity. Most of the hour should be either moderate or vigorous aerobic activity. It is going to become increasingly important to keep families active during the coming weeks as social distancing continues. below are some great links that will assist your family in remaining fit and healthy while working from home.

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