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Music is a vital part of any child’s education.  The benefits children experience from participating in music activities are numerous.  The simple act of singing as part of a group has been proved to have an enormously positive impact on mental wellbeing.  It provides an opportunity for the school community to bond and work together with instant results, it lifts mood and can be a welcome break in the middle of busy week.


At Watchfield, every child from Y1 to Y6 has a weekly half hour music lesson with the rest of their key stage.  This large group teaching focusses on singing techniques and learning new songs; directed, focussed listening and appraisal and the opportunity to put music into historical context.  This provision is complimented by class teaching which is, whenever appropriate, topic inked.  All children have the opportunity to have a term of instrument lessons within the classroom and the chance to perform for others.  Whenever possible, music lessons offer an opportunity for practical music making.


In addition to this weekly teaching, all children have the opportunity to rehearse and perform in a production once a year.  These are done in paired year groups and offer children the opportunity to learn new songs, perfect performance techniques and contribute to a group performance.  This is a real high point of the year for the children.  Watchfield also holds an ‘Arts Week’ every summer term, focusing on a different theme each year.  These exciting, busy weeks see the whole school go ‘off timetable’ and participate in a huge range of arts activities; music is a key part of this.


Music is an integral part of life; every aspect of society experiences it in some form.  It is vital that we give our pupils the opportunity to understand and appraise it, to participate in it and to benefit from the positive impact it can make. 

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