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W/B 11th May

Hi everyone,


We hope you had a great weekend.  Below is a selection of learning opportunities for you to use at home. If you can keep some learning going at home that is great but remember there is no pressure or expectations that you must do it. Do what you need to do to have a happy and healthy family. Please also bear in mind that at school our day consists of small chunks of ‘adult led’ learning with independent play in between, so please don’t feel you need to be providing activities all day long.


All of the documents linked to the activities can be found below.


Have a great week,


Mrs Cobourne and Mrs Fayers




Many of the Kingfishers and Robins are now watching the on-line Read Write Inc Phonics lessons.  We have had lots of positive feedback as the presenters are engaging and the format of these lessons is exactly the same as we use in school, so the children are very familiar with it. 


If you have not tried it already, why don’t you give it a try this week?


The lessons will be shown at the times below, but are available for 24 hours, so you can fit it in whenever is convenient for you.


•             Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30 am, followed by Set 1 Spelling

•             Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00 am, followed by Set 2 Spelling

•             Set 3 Speed Sounds at 10.30 am, followed by Set 3 Spelling


If you are unsure which lessons will suit your child, please ask your child which teacher they have for phonics (it might be different to their class teacher) and see below for which lesson matches their need.  If you are still unsure, please send us a note via Tapestry and we will let you know which lessons your child should watch.


Set 1 - Suitable for Mrs Fayers’s Phonics group

Set 2 - Suitable for Mrs Hart's and Mrs Cobourne's Phonics group

Set 3 - Suitable for Mrs Cobourne's phonics group


If you are unable to take part in the daily on-line lessons, or want an extra challenge, you could try the following activities.

You will need the letter sounds we sent home in your ‘Home School’ pack. If you need some more letter sounds you will find a new set on the ‘Home Schooling’ section of our website.

If you cannot print them out, you could use paper and pens to make your own letter cards.

Each day you could continue to play speed sounds with your letter sounds. To do this you need to show them to the children 1 at a time like flash cards.


  • You could try a game or two on the Phonics Play site.  Use the login ‘March20’ and password ‘home‘ . Choose ‘Phase 2’ in the side bar and have a go at some of the games here. Buried Treasure and Picnic on Pluto are good for reading and Rocket Rescue and Space Race are good for spelling.


  • Using two copies of your lettercards, play ‘snap’.  Shuffle the cards and deal between the players.  Take turns to place card on the table. If you place the same card on the pile, say ‘snap’ and you pick up the pile. The winner is the person who ends up with all the cards.


  • Make 2 lists of 3 letter words with a in the middle and ones with i in the middle. Which is your longest list?

              a                                i 

            gap                             pip

            bad                            bin

            cat                             win


  • Have a go at using the Skywriter program today, to practise writing the letters you find tricky.         



  • Follow this link to the Phonics Play site.  Use the login ‘March20’ and password ‘home‘ . Choose ‘Phase 2’ in the side bar and have a go at ‘Tricky Word Trucks’.    Try Phase 2 tricky words first.  If your child can read those words you can have a try at Phase 3 Tricky words. Challenge your child to get faster at reading the words by repeating a few times.



We have exhausted the suitable books from, so this week we are going to add a selection of captions for you to read.  Please look at the list below for the correct caption list to read.

Mrs Fayers’s phonics group –Captions 1

Mrs Hart’s phonics group – Captions 2

Mrs Cobourne’s phonics group – Captions 3


You can still access the free books on Oxford Owl, if you haven't done so already.

You will need to make an account on the Oxford Owl website, but once in, there are a selection of free books to try.



Hello Everyone,


If you are able to find some time to have a go at writing this week, here is a list of ideas.


The children are all at different stages with their writing, so take your lead from them.


•             Practice writing your name.


•             Have you got any paint at home?  If so, have a go at painting letters, either with a paintbrush or your finger.  Here is a link to the rhymes we use at school to help us remember how to form each letter.


•             Gather all your teddies and make name labels for them. 


•             Have you been watching some good programmes on TV?  Perhaps you could write a sentence about your favourite one?  What was it about? What characters were in it? What was the best bit about it?


•             Have you learnt anything interesting about frogs this week?  Perhaps you could make a little booklet about what you have found out. 


Don’t forget to use your ‘Fred fingers’ to help you sound out the words you need, and remember, a super sentence has finger spaces between the words and a full stop at the end.

We’d love to see your efforts if your grown up has chance to upload it on Tapestry.




This week’s White Rose Maths is based around a spider theme. One of the books recommended is 'The Very Busy Spider' by Eric Carle. If you do not have this story please have a look at the link below. If you haven’t already checked it out, have a little look as it is excellent at covering a variety of maths concepts, but most of all it is fun and engaging for the children. You will need Week 4, day 1 for today's activity. The video tutorials will still be showing on the website but the document of activities is attached below.'melearning/early-years/


The Very Busy Spider -




Extra Number activities


You will need the numbers from your home school pack for this activity. Again, if you have lost them, here is a link to some you can print out, or you can make your own set of 1-20 cards.


  • Play a game of snakes and ladders (using numbers to 20). You could either print the attached game or make your own game by laying out the number cards in order from 0-20. If each row ends on the following numbers, your game will have 4 rows - 5, 10,15,20. You could find something in the house to represent the snakes and ladders. String might work well for snakes and you could use lego bricks to make ladders. You will need a die and some objects. .for counters. Everyone playing will need to roll the die. The person with the highest number Each person needs to roll the die. The person who rolled the highest number can go first. Once you start you will need to roll the die and move that number of spaces. If you land on a ladder you can go up the ladder, but if you land on a snake you must go down it. The winner is the person who lands on 20 first.

          *Each time someone lands on a number remember to say what the number it is.

  • Use the number cards and place them in order from the lowest number to the highest number. Muddle them up. Can you do the same, but this time start on the largest number (20) and place them in order until you get to the smallest number?



  • Practise writing your numbers today. Remember to start on 1 and keep counting up as far as you can write them. Which number did you get to?

You could write them on paper, but you could also practise writing them in a tray of rice or lentils or something else, like you may have tried when writing your letters.


  • Either match the numbers (11-15) with the pictures by counting them or find some objects in the house to match with each of your numbers from 11-15.  To challenge yourself, can you guess which numbers match first, by estimating before you count them?


  • Using the cards 1-10 play a pairs game with a partner. For this game the pairs are numbers that are 1 more/less than each other. For example 3 and 4 would be a pair. Take it in turns to pick up 2 cards, if they are 1 more/less than each other keep the cards. The winner is the person who has the most pairs at the end.


  • *An extra challenge you could try this with cards 1-20.




The topic this week is 'The Lifecycle of a Frog'.

Here are some activities that you could have a go at this week.

  • Please have a look at the powerpoint and video to find out about the life cycle of a frog. Create your own life cycle, by completing the cutting and sticking activity, drawing it or even thinking of a different creative idea to show the life cycle.


  • To continue our frog theme, you could have a go at completing the attached colour by number frog picture.


  • Listen to the Frog songs and join in ! Once you know the songs, you could add your own body percussion (such as clapping/ tapping your knees) or if you have something in the house that could work well as an instrument. For example a wooden spoon on the back of a pan makes a good drum, or even pasta or lentils in a small plastic container can make a good shaker.



  • Create your own frog using the attached sheet, or think of your own idea. You can use the ideas sheet to help.


You could choose your own frog activity, or you could do one or more of the following;

  • - sing 5 little speckled frogs
  • -make a playdough frog
  • -complete the lifecycle puzzle
  • -colour in the frog picture
  • -draw your own frog and carefully colour it in.



Well Being

Harold the Giraffe is still writing his diary. If you haven’t yet had a look, you can continue to visit him at the link below to find out what he is doing this week. It will definitely give you some ideas of things to do.

Harold loves to keep a healthy lifestyle. He says that there are 5 things that will help him to keep happy and healthy. These things are;

•             Be Active

•             Get Creative

•             Mindful Moments

•             Connect with Others

•             Give to Others



Here a few challenges that you might like to try this week.


  • Can you use a dustpan and brush to help sweep the floor? You have all helped with this job during tidy up time at school, so should be experts!


  • Can you make your bed when you get up in the morning? I'm sure you can be a 'Have a go Herb' and plump up your pillow and straighten out the duvet. 


  • Can you remember the rule we use in school when we have been playing with toys? It goes like this ‘Choose it, use it, put it away!’  Can you remember to do this at home?  Mummy and daddy would be really pleased if you do!
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