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What Measures are in Place to Keep Children, Families and Staff as Safe as Possible?

Parents should be aware that all actions undertaken within school regarding Covid-19, are informed by and continue to follow recommendations within the latest government guidance.  Please look at the two links below, which outline this guidance for parents.


A summary of key actions is detailed afterwards.

As you can imagine, the planning for the effective operation of schools during the Covid-19 pandemic has required a considerable amount of planning and organisation.  In order to keep everyone as safe and happy as possible, there are a significant number of changes to every-day practice that had to be introduced and form part of our School's comprehensive risk assessment.  The risk assessment process has taken all Government guidance into consideration.  A link to the Department for Education where a summary of this guidance for parents and carers can be found at the bottom of this page.


A summary of some of the key actions regarding policy and practice in relation to Covid-19, is given below.  All of these measures will need to be fully understood and implemented by the whole school community whilst pupils continue to attend school.  Your on-going support in enforcing these changes is greatly appreciated.



  • Retaining staggered collection times - 3.00pm for EYFS/KS1 and 3.05pm KS2.
  • Request that only one parent/carer should drop off/collect a child, so as to reduce the number of people on site at drop off and collection time.
  • Encouraging social distancing measures for parents when dropping off/collecting - reminders given via signage around the site.  Unfortunately, parents and other visitors will not be allowed inside the buildings.
  • A one-way system around the outside of the buildings is in place, so as to avoid congestion at the school gates.
  • Ensuring that children arrive with minimal equipment e.g. no pencil cases etc.
  • Continuing to allocate designated outdoor space to each class group/key phase.
  • Continuing to reduce the amount of unnecessary mixing pupils are able do from across year groups at break and lunchtimes - introduction of key phase groups in addition to class and year group groups.
  • Continued, increased focus on regular hand washing (including upon entry to school at the beginning of the day) and the on-going promotion of the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ message.
  • Continuing to stagger break and lunchtimes between key stages, to provide children with increased space to play.
  • Allocating pupils/pupil groups specific learning resources where appropriate, with a focus on enhanced cleaning between groups where required.
  • Not having whole school assemblies in the hall - these will continue on line. Face to face key phase assemblies (2 year groups together) will be introduced.
  • Encouraging lessons to continue to be taught outside where practical and relevant.


(NB: Please be aware however, that schools cannot enforce social distancing of pupils from their peers; moreover, social distancing measures within schools are no longer supported by government).

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