Autumn term
This term we will be investigation the question "What was life like in Britain during WW2?" We will be exploring the impact of the war on the home front, with a special focus on the lives of women and children. We will also explore the cooperation between countries and the support of the commonwealth countries.
Homework expectations
Type | Day Set | Day Due | Expectations |
Reading | Every day | Every day | Every child should spend an average of 15 minutes reading daily. We ask that that the book title, page numbers and a small comment are recorded via dojo. They can complete this themselves, we just ask that you check to ensure they are reading each day and try to ask them questions about their book to help them retain key details. |
Maths | Every day | Every day | The children will be assigned Maths shed challenges that they can work on at home throughout the week. |
Times Tables | Friday | Friday | The children will each be set a times table to practice during the week, ready for a test the following Friday. It is very important that they continue to practice the quick recall of their tables even after they have completed their 12 times table. Times Tables Rockstars is the recommended way to practise and is lots of fun! |
Spellings | Every day | Every day | Children will be taught spellings using the Read, Write, Inc spelling scheme. This focuses on explicit teaching in class. Children will have words to log and learn (Practice at home) each week. |
Topic/English |
| The children are invited to share their topic homework via Class Dojo to celebrate with the other children in class. We can't wait to see the results of the hard work you have put in! |