Home Page

Merlins - Year 3


Welcome to Merlins Class!


We are an awesome team in Merlins!

We always try our best and are kind to each other in Year 3!


We want to wish you a very warm welcome to the Merlins team.  We have a very busy and fun year ahead of us and we can't wait to get started.  Please sign up for the online Class Dojo system, we will be using this to share our work and update you with information as the year progresses.

Please use the tabs to find out more.

Miss Barnett, Mrs Smith, Mrs Mayes and Miss South.




Our PE Days this term are on a Wednesday and Thursday.  Please ensure your child wears their PE kit to school on these days. A message will be sent on Class Dojo if there are any changes to the timetable or general information that we need to share with you.  If you need to contact us then please send a message directly to us using this platform.


We have had 2 0 1 7 7 0 Visitors
Faringdon Learning Trust