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Parental Feedback

At Watchfield, we really value constructive feedback from all parents and carers.  It's great to know what we do well and just as important to understand what we could do differently to make improvements for our children.


One way parents and carers are able to provide feedback, is through the completion of a leaver's form, when it's time to move on.  It's great to hear how the children's 'Watchfield experience' has been and we are proud of the comments received, example of which include:


“Watchfield is an exceptional school, because of its diversity and it has been a real honour to be part of and watch such an incredible mix of people get on so well and thrive together.  Every child deserves the chance to be in such a school, thank you”


“My daughter has settled quickly and made rapid progress in all areas of the curriculum. We have been really pleased with the support and individual time she has received. Most importantly, she loves coming to school.  She is very happy and trusts the adults who work with her. We only wish we could stay longer”


“My children's teachers are very approachable and all of the staff in the office are very helpful and ready to assist when it has been needed. We also feel that the school/parent communications are good. We always feel well informed”


“Happy children at school, always eager to get into class, confident of a good time at school. Inspirational learning environment, children always enthused about topics, key highlights that excite them during the week, and fond of their teachers. Made good friends, clear that everyone is treated with care and respect”


“Both my children have thrived at Watchfield. My daughter’s self-confidence has come along leaps and bounds as well as her maths and hand writing. Both children are up dressed and ready to run to school, whereas previously it was a real battle every morning. We as a family have adored Watchfield, the staff and children are such an amazing little bunch. You should be very proud”



Ofsted's Parent View


'Ofsted Parent View' is an online survey that allows parents (any person with parental responsibility for a child) to give their views about their child’s school.  It is the main mechanism for parents to give their views to inspectors at the time of a school inspection, however parents can complete the survey at any time.  You can access the survey directly from the Ofsted Parent View website or from the homepage of the main Ofsted website. Please click on the link below to take you directly to the Parent View site.

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Faringdon Learning Trust