Various clubs and activities are organised throughout the school year. Clubs are usually offered as an after school activity. The exact range of clubs will vary according to the time of year and the interests of the children. If you would like to help out in the running of an activity please contact the Headteacher.
You can find out about the current provision by clicking below:
Swindon Music Co-operative (SMC) offer music lessons here at Watchfield Primary School. For more information please see the flyer. All questions should be directed to Swindon Music Cooperative.
To sign up, please either complete the online form:
The 1988 Education Reform Act introduced changes with regard to the practice of charging for school activities. The basic principle underlying the Act is that education provided by any maintained school for its registered pupils should be free of charge if it takes place during school hours. An activity is deemed to have taken place in school hours if 50% or more of the whole time, including transport, occurs during school hours. The midday break is not within school hours.
This means that we are not able to charge for activities such as theatre trips, educational visits etc. during school time. However, we would like to ensure that the full range of school activities continues here at Watchfield but we cannot as a school pay for things such as visits out of the money provided by the County Council. However, there is no prohibition on schools from seeking voluntary contributions for the benefit of the school in general or any specific school activities. Providing we have your full support, we will ask for voluntary contributions to enable us to continue our programme of valuable educational visits. There may be fees for some after school clubs or activities because these are outside normal school hours.
Each year children in Year 4 and pupils in Years 5 & 6 are taken on a residential visit. We believe this is an invaluable growing up experience for them, and it is always thoroughly enjoyed. There is a charge for these visits, with payments spread out over the beginning of the academic year. If you would like to discuss options regarding a bespoke payment plan, then please ask to speak to the Headteacher.