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W/B 27th April

Hi everyone

We hope you had a great weekend.  Below is a selection of learning opportunities for you to use at home. If you can keep some learning going at home that is great but remember there is no pressure or expectations that you must do it. Do what you need to do to have a happy and healthy family. Please also bear in mind that at school our day consists of small chunks of ‘adult led’ learning with independent play in between, so please don’t’ feel you need to be providing activities all day long.

My new favourite quote is from our Deputy Head, Mrs Devereux, “do your best, because your best is good enough”, so keep that thought with you!

Have a great week,

Mrs Cobourne and Mrs Fayers


Many of the Kingfishers and Robins are now watching the on-line Read Write Inc Phonics lessons.  We have had lots of positive feedback as the presenters are engaging and the format of these lessons is exactly the same as we use in school, so the children are very familiar with it. 


If you have not tried it already, why don’t you give it a try this week?


The lessons will be shown at the times below, but are available for 24 hours, so you can fit it in whenever is convenient for you.


  • Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30 am, followed by Set 1 Spelling
  • Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00 am, followed by Set 2 Spelling
  • Set 3 Speed Sounds at 10.30 am, followed by Set 3 Spelling


If you are unsure which lessons will suit your child, please ask your child which teacher they have for phonics (it might be different to their class teacher) and see below for which lesson matches their need.  If you are still unsure, please send us a note via Tapestry and we will let you know which lessons your child should watch.


Set 1 - Suitable for Mrs Fayer's Phonics group

Set 2 - Suitable for Mrs Hart's and Mrs Cobourne's Phonics group

Set 3 - Suitable for Mrs Cobourne's phonics group


Alternative Phonics Challenges

If you are unable to take part in the daily on-line lessons, or want some extra challenges, you could try the following activities.

You will need the letter sounds we sent home in your ‘Home School’ pack. If you need some more letter sounds you will find a new set on the ‘Home Schooling’ section of our website.

If you cannot print them out, you could use paper and pens to make your own letter cards.

  • Place 10 letter cards face down on the table. Take turns with your grown up to pick a card. As quickly as you can, fetch something in the house that begins with that letter. Your partner can count and see how long it takes you. Then you can count while they have their turn. Who was faster?
  • You could play the game ‘Boy, Girl, Place, Thing’.  Select a letter card and try and think of a boy’s name that begins with that sound, then a girl’s name, a place and a thing.  For example,







  •  Play Ping-pong with your grown up, taking it turns to say rhyming words  eg cat, sat, mat, pat, fat, rat.
  • Lay out the letters  h  j  v l n t w e a

Ask your child to find the sounds to make the words   - hat, vet, jet, net, let, wet, van,




Please read the story ‘Max’s Shop’ from the link below. Aim to read this 3 times this week so that you get more confident each time.  Remember that ‘sh’ is a ‘special friend’ (two letters that go together to make one sound)



The children are all at different stages with their writing, so take your lead from them.

  • Practice writing your name. I like to do rainbow writing. Choose a coloured pencil and write your name. Choose another colour and write your name over the top. Repeat until you have made it really colourful.


  • If it is a nice sunny day, you can practise writing your letters on the pavement/patio/wall using a paintbrush and water. If you don’t have a paintbrush, you could use an old toothbrush, your finger or find a stick to use. Here is a link to the rhymes we use at school to help us remember how to form each letter.


  • Choose someone in your family you can write about. You could write some words to describe them or write a sentence, or two. You could choose a different person in your family each day to write about. If that person is not staying in your house with you, perhaps you could get a grown-up to take a photo and send it to them, I am sure it would bring a smile to their face!

For example     - ‘My gran is kind.’ or ‘My grandad has a big smile.’

Don’t forget to use your ‘Fred fingers’ to help you sound out the words you need, and remember, a super sentence has finger spaces between the words and a full stop at the end.

We’d love to see your efforts if your grown up has chance to upload it on Tapestry.



  • This week’s White Rose Maths contains lots of exciting activities based on stories about Pirates. Again, if you haven’t already checked it out, have a little look as it is excellent at covering a variety of maths concepts, but most of all it is fun and engaging for the children. There is an activity for everyday of the week.


Here is a link to the two books they refer to.

Other Maths Ideas

You will need the numbers from your home school pack for these activities. Again, if you have lost them, here is a link to some you can print out, or you can make your own set of 1-20 cards.


  • Mix up the cards – tell your child not to peek! Then, see how quickly they can put them into the correct order. Time your child. Maybe try numerals beyond 20!


  • You could practise ‘Number bonds’ (different ways of making a given number) Use plates or draw circles on paper and have some treats! Ask your child to put 10 sweets, pebbles, counters, strawberries (anything you can count!) on a plate and ask them to split them into 2 groups. How many ways can they do this? This is a great way to enforce number bonds. Try with different numbers. Maybe they could draw their number bonds e.g. picture of the objects and then the number story underneath.


  • Order your numbers from 0 – 20. Find out 1 more and 1 less than your number. You can use the number line that you’ve just created to help you.


  • Number hunt – when you are out and about on your daily walk have a look to see what numbers you can spot.  You will be surprised to see that there are numbers everywhere! Car number plates, doors, signs. Maybe you could take a note-book with you and write down what you find.  When you get home look at your numbers.  What was the biggest/smallest number you found? Did you find all the numbers from 1 to 10? How will you check?


  • If you have some chalk at home, why don’t you play hopscotch?


Topic Work

This week we are learning about the life cycle of chicks.

I have saved a few documents here on Tapestry so you can take a look.

There is a powerpoint about the life-cycle of chicks. You will also find a cutting and sticking activity, a chick labelling sheet and some creative ideas too.  


Harold the Giraffe is still writing his diary. If you haven’t yet had a look, you can continue to visit him at the link below to find out what he is doing this week. It will definitely give you some ideas of things to do.

Harold loves to keep a healthy lifestyle. He says that there are 5 things that will help him to keep happy and healthy. These things are;

  • Be Active
  • Get Creative
  • Mindful Moments
  • Connect with Others
  • Give to Others


Can you help a grown up to tidy up after mealtimes? Maybe you could put away the plates and cups?

Can you help to hang out the washing by passing the pegs or folding the clothes?

Can you remember the rule we use in school when we have been playing with toys? It goes like this ‘Choose it, use it, put it away!’  Can you remember to do this at home?  Mummy and daddy would be really pleased if you do!

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