Hi Everyone,
We hope you had a lovely half term and are rested and ready to to launch into term 6!
We are really looking forward to welcoming you back to school on the week beginning 8th June. Please look at the following link for some back to school information. Here you will find a book you can share with your child before they start back. It explains what school will look like. Please also keep an eye out on Tapestry for some back to school videos.
Please head over to the Read Write Inc YouTube channel for daily phonics lessons. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7fbLgY2oA_cFCIg9GdxtQ
Extra phonics activities
- Go through your sound cards and sort them into two piles. In the first pile you should put all the sounds you know off by heart. In the second pile you should put the sounds you are not so sure about. Spend some time looking at the sounds you are not very confident with. Pick two of them and try to learn them. Make a list of words with the sound in. Hide the sounds in the pack you are confident with and try and spot them.
- Use the pile of sounds that you found tricky yesterday and make a pairs game with them. You will need two sets of the sounds. Lay them face down on a table and take turns to pick up two cards. Can you tell your partner what sounds you have picked? Do they match? If they match, you can have another turn. If not, it is your partner's turn.
- Today you are going to be a 'sound spotter'! Choose one of the sounds you are not so confident with to focus on. Ask a grown up for an old magazine, newspaper or leaflet. Have a careful look at the writing and see if you can spot your sound. You could draw sound buttons under the sound when you find it. Can you read the word? How many can you spot?
- Play Buried Treasure on Phonics Play. You can ask your grown up to enter a list of words for you to read containing the sounds you find tricky. https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/member-only/Phase2Menu.htm
- Pick 1 of the sound cards that you find tricky. Write as many words as you can with this sound in. Remember to use your Fred fingers. Remember to look at the Read Write Inc handwriting sheet, with an adult, to help you form the letters.
This week’s White Rose Maths is based around the book 'Superworm'. If you do not have this story please have a look at one of the links below. If you haven’t already checked it out, have a little look as it is excellent at covering a variety of maths concepts, but most of all it is fun and engaging for the children. You will need Week 5, day 1 for today's activity. You may notice that the date for these activities on the website say May 18th, but these are the activities we will be doing this week.The video tutorials will still be showing on the website but the document of activities is attached below.
You will need your numbers from your number cards to 20 sheet for this activity.
Other Number Activities
- Have a go at joining in with the number song below. It will help to remind you that the 1 in numbers from 10-19 represents 10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uedvwH6Ay18 Choose one of the number cards between 11 and 19. Can you find a way of making this number by representing the 10 and the 1s? For example if you were going to make 15, you could use 10 stones to represent the 10 and 5 small sticks to represent the 1s, or you could make a tower of 10 blue lego bricks for the 10 and 5 red for the 5. Continue to do this for other numbers between 11 and 19.
- Sing this numbers in the teens song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDPPHVG6TAE
Complete the number formation and matching activity sheet.
- Number Bingo Use your number cards to 20 for this game. You will only need the numbers 11-20 to play the game. Either cut up some of the number pictures attached (from 11- 20 only) or cut up some rectangles of paper and make a few like the ones in the pictures, representing numbers 11-20. Ask your child to choose 4 of the pictures and place them in front of them. You could choose 4 too so that you play together. Place the numbers upside down on the table and take it in turns to turn a number over. If you have a picture that represents the number place a counter on top of it. You could use a coin, a small lego brick or anything you can find for counters. The winner is the person who covers all 4 first.
- You will need to use you numbers to 20 card for this activity. Give your child 5 cards between 11 and 20 that follow the counting pattern eg 13 14 15 16 and 17 or 15 16 17 18 and 19. Make sure they have been mixed up. How quickly can they place them in order from the smallest to biggest number? Do they get quicker if they practise again. Do this again with another set of 5 numbers. You could also do this by giving them 5 numbers but miss out a number in the sequence. Do they spot the mistake? Which number is missing?
- Use the number cards to play this game. Before playing this game, make sure your child can tell you 1 more or 1 less than a number to 20, they could use the number line attached to check if they are not sure. You could play a game of pairs but the matching numbers will need to be numbers that are 1 more or 1 less than each other. E.g. 12 and 13 would be a pair. Place the cards spread out, upside down. If you find a pair keep them. The winner is the person with the most pairs at the end.
This week we are learning about old toys.
Today job is all about speaking and listening. You are going to ask your adult questions about the toys they used to play with when they were little. If you speak to grandma or grandpa today, maybe you can ask them what they used to play with when they were little.
Remember - questions are for finding out something. Look at the picture above to see which words you could use when you ask your questions. Remember to listen carefully to the answer.
Have a think about how toys have changed since your mummy or daddy were little. Maybe mummy or daddy could use the internet to show you pictures of some of the toys they used to play with. What is the same and what is different?
What were the old and new toys made of?
How did they work?
What did they do?
Why were they good to play with?
Today you can have a look at the powerpoint to learn a bit more about old toys
Here are some pictures of old and new toys that you can sort. If you can't print out, maybe you could sort your own toys out? You could also cut out pictures from magazines or catalogues or draw your own pictures of old toys.
Can you make a Victorian peg doll or ball and cup game? Use the instructions to help you.
Listen to the songs about toys and have a go at joining in with the singing. If you made a percussion instrument before, you could use that, or if not have a go at making one today. Play this instrument while you sing the songs. Can you hear the beat? try to play the percussion instrument in time to the music as you sing.
In the song 'Lots of Different Toys', which of these toys did the adults you know play with when they were children too?
Instrument ideas
You could make a shaker with a pot and some dried rice, pasta or lentils. You could use an old pot with a wooden spoon to make a drum.